New Feature

oVice Reactions Menu

This new feature allows users to interact and communicate more effectively in a virtual office environment by using emoji reactions. By enabling users to express their feelings and responses instantly, this functionality fosters a more engaging and dynamic atmosphere. Whether celebrating achievements or acknowledging contributions, emoji reactions enhance team collaboration and create a more vibrant virtual

TeamJun Ho Kim
Product Designer
Sedki Ben Zid
Software Engineer

ScopeNew Feature

Timeline1 month (MVP)




In virtual office environments, while effective communication is facilitated through various digital platforms, there remains a persistent risk of misunderstandings that can lead to the loss of nuanced meaning. The absence of non-verbal cues, such as tone of voice and body language, can obscure the intent behind messages, creating opportunities for misinterpretation. This challenge underscores the importance of fostering clear and deliberate communication practices to ensure that ideas and sentiments are conveyed accurately and understood as intended.



Delivering an optimized communication experience designed specifically for our platform.

  • Expand the variety of reaction options
  • Improve the visibility of interactive features.

To achieve this, market research was conducted, revealing an opportunity to assist users in swift.
ly extracting information from interactive elements.



Implement a reactions menu that empowers users to express their emotions with greater ease and spontaneity, thereby enriching their capacity to connect and engage in conversations. This feature provides a diverse array of expressive options, enabling users to convey sentiments quickly and effectively, fostering a more interactive and empathetic dialogue within the virtual workspace. By facilitating emotional expression, the reactions menu enhances overall communication dynamics, making interactions more meaningful and relatable.



The initial design drew inspiration from renowned video games such as Grand Theft Auto and The Last of Us, gamifying the reactions menu to elevate the user experience. By integrating elements commonly found in gaming, this approach not only enhances motivation but also fosters deeper engagement among users. The result is a dynamic and immersive interaction that encourages users to express themselves in a fun and engaging way, transforming routine communication into an exciting and enjoyable experience.

y extracting information from interactive elements.

Initial Design

Derived from observations gleaned from user research, the radial menu emerged as a popular recommendation, particularly due to the prevalence of feedback from Japan, where gamification is extensively integrated into daily activities.




The radial design proved to be impractical for virtual office environments like oVice. This layout occupies a significant amount of screen space, which can obstruct the visibility of nearby users, thereby hindering effective interaction and collaboration. By limiting the available view, the radial design detracts from the immersive experience that a virtual workspace aims to provide, making it essential to explore alternatives that prioritize user visibility and spatial awareness.



Adjustments from new inspiration and insights derived from user testing.

A new inspiration arose from the proximate MacBook iOS dock system. Given that oVice already featured an operational dock menu handling the majority of actions, integrating it seemed intuitive.

During user testing, it was expressed that users anticipated finding it within the dock menu as they initially acquainted themselves with the product.

acting information from interactive elements.



From my own experience, I’ve come to recognize the significance of integrating user research, which is pivotal not just for enhancing product quality but also for strengthening team cohesion. During the course of a project spamming over couple of months, I felt siloed and pressured. Nevertheless, by consistenetly disseminating research findings to the team, I observed a sense of pride among them, fueled by the affirmation of the users. This practice helped alleviate ambiguity, empowering team members with clear insights into areas for improvement gleaned directly from user feedback.

© 2024 Jun Ho Kim